Covid-19: Japan to Open Borders to Australia, Thailand, Vietnam and New Zealand But Do Not Be Too Happy Yet

Source: Flickr

Japan is considering reopening its borders to travellers from selected countries that have low levels of coronavirus infections, as it begins to ease restrictions put in place earlier this year to control the outbreak.

As schools, cinemas, sports clubs and department stores reopened in Tokyo on Monday, media reported that the government is also planning to allow travellers from Australia, Thailand, Vietnam and New Zealand into the country in the coming months.

However, the government is only allowing business travellers from the four countries to enter if they test negative for COVID-19 in two separate tests conducted upon departure from their home country and arrival in Japan, the Asahi Shimbun reported, citing unnamed sources.

Also, once you are in the country, your movement would be restricted to areas including place of stay, company offices and factories, the newspaper said, adding that use of public transportation would be banned.

What does this mean? It means travel to Japan is strictly based on essential business travels only. Japan is still not opened to leisure travellers. Nevertheless, lets keep our hopes high and pray that we will all be able to travel again.

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